Classroom Modifications for Students with Behavior and Emotional Disorders

by Dr. AnnMaria De Mars

Spirit Lake elementary student What I do not understand, is how people’s lives . . . are not important enough to be given the help they need and deserve . . . .Why does it need to take robbing a bank, stealing a car for your third time, or nearly killing someone in a fight or a drunk-driving incident to get the help you need? (To read the entire article from which this quote was taken, click here . )

Research is fairly clear that programs of severe punishment, no tolerance policies and school suspensions do not work for students with emotional and behavioral disorders. In fact, 40% of school suspensions are for students who are repeat offenders.

Let's be completely honest. Many teachers don't want to work with students with emotional and behavioral problems. They don't do their work; they swear at you; they disrupt class; they break things and hurt people. Read that quote above. These students need your help. Early intervention is key, the earlier, the better. Never, ever, ever give up. When a twelve-year-old student hears a teacher make comments like, "He is just going to grow up to be a criminal. This kid is a menace to society", why should the student even bother trying to change his behavior. Working with students with behavior disorders is a marathon, not a sprint. It is hard and takes a long time. Please don't give up. They need you.

gold next arrowSeveral strategies that work for students with behavioral and emotional disorders