Spirit Lake Consulting, Inc.

Meet Our Staff: Who we are & why we do what we do

Dr. Erich Longie, President
Dr. AnnMaria De Mars, Vice-President
Willie Davis, Turtle Mountain Site Coordinator
Derrick Dauphinais, Director of Marketing
Evelyn Klimpel, Consultant on Family & Disability
April St. Pierre, Chair, Board of Directors

PRESIDENT: Dr. Erich Longie, Enrolled Member, Spirit Lake Sioux
o Doctorate in Educational Leadership
o Former President of Cankdeska Cikana Community College
o Co-author of federal and foundation grants funded for over $30 million
o Member of KABU Reservation Radio Board, Four Winds School Board, INMED Board
o Self-study coordinator for three successful accreditation visits
o Born, raised and lives on the Spirit Lake Nation
o Served in U.S. Marine Corps"Having my research published in an academic journal and addressing the General Assembly of the Spirit Lake Nation all in the same week is an example of what our company strives to develop - the ability to walk in both worlds and be respected in each as a person with competence and integrity."
o Principal Investigator for three Small Business Innovation Research projects on computer-based training
o Written funded proposals for a total of over $15 million
o Performed evaluations for Talent search, vocational rehabilitation, HCOP, Even Start Family Literacy, bilingual education and SAMHSA Grants
o Doctorate in educational psychology
o Specialization in statistics and assessment
o Taught at Minot State University, Jamestown College, Cankdeska Cikana Community College and the University of California, Riverside
Click here for C.V. including partial list of publications
For more about Dr. De Mars personal views and experience with disability, click here.
Senior Consultant, Dr. Carol Davis, Enrolled Member, Turtle Mountain Chippewa

Dr. Davis was Vice-president for Academic Affairs at Turtle Mountain Community College for many years, during which they became nationally-known as one of the premier tribal institutions in the country. During her tenure, she developed and administered a broad range of programs serving Native American youth and adults, including student support service programs, technology initiatives and innovative programs aimed at increasing achievement in mathematics and science. Dr. Davis firmly believes in setting high goals for Native American students and employees and providing the support to enable them to reach those goals, regardless of disability or any other obstacle. She is also the parent of a young woman with a developmental disability, so her experience and interest in this field is personal as well as professional.

Project Coordinator, Turtle Mountain Site: Willie Davis, Enrolled Member, Turtle Mountain Chippewa

Mr. Davis has extensive education, professional and personal experience with all aspects of the field of disability services. In August of 1980 at the age of 18, he was in a car accident that involved drinking and driving. Injury in the T 7/8 thoracic vertebrate resulted in paraplegia and he has been confined to a wheelchair for the last 25 years. In 2005, Mr. Davis received the Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor of the Year award from the Consortium of Administrators of Native American Rehabilitation. Mr. Davis has also received national recognition for his volunteer work, especially with the disability community and youth.  He feels that the more he can give back to his community the more positive things can be and the better the future can be for the next generation.

Consultant, Family Life & Disability, Evelyn Klimpel, Enrolled Member, Three Affiliated Tribes

Ms. Klimpel has a masters degree in education, is a certified elementary teacher and has over two decades of experience in teaching and administration in public education, from kindergarten through university. She has been a trainer for early intervention programs, multicultural coordinator for a University Affiliated Program for persons with disabilities and is currently the coordinator for disability services at Minot State University. Ms. Klimpel is also the parent of a young person with a disability, who also happens to be a very talented musician, just like the rest of his family.

For more about Evelyn's personal experience and views on disability, click here.

April has to date
successfully avoided
having her picture taken

Chair, Board of Directors April St. Pierre, Enrolled Member, Spirit Lake Sioux

  • Executive Director, Spirit Lake Casino
  • Former Tribal Finance Manager, Spirit Lake Nation
  • Fifteen years experience in fund accounting, fiscal management and grants administration