was reading a book on business that says that all successful businesses
have a set of guiding principles. I think that is probably true.
However, they went on to say that it is necessary to discuss those
principles frequently, have them posted, etc. I am not so sure I agree
with that. I think our guiding principles are pretty clear - we are
about improving life in disadvantaged communities, paying people a
decent wage, allowing employees autonomy and the opportunity to grow
and developing products that get consistently better and better. In
short, do good work, make money and don't be a jerk. I don't know that
I see the necessity for shouting those principles from the rooftops,
especially because it seems like some of the companies that do that the
most are the most hypocritical. For example, I once worked at a company
that constantly bragged about how the technical staff was the greatest
resource of the company and so on, but managers would stand outside our
offices and ask us if we could write computer programs faster. The
worst example was the time we all had to skip lunch to go watch a video
on motivation and having fun at work!
I guess their point
was that the bigger your company grows, the fewer people know what your
guiding principles are. I noticed that TMCC has a set of principles
literally carved in stone as you walk up the entry way. So.... maybe it
is a good idea. If the rest of our staff all think it is important, I
am willing to start carving (figuratively, that is).
07/08/06 Guiding Principles or Hypocrisy?
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