Finding our way to ethics

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I am working on getting the course, Orientation for Work and Personal Ethics for Tribal Workers up on the web and I am very frustrated by how well it is going.

That probably sounds strange, so let me explain. My frustration is that this is something I would really like to share with everyone who is interested, BUT, Erich and I have to pay our bills, feed our kids (well, I do, his kids are grown). My point is, we can't give away our work for free but I want to !

Of course, most organizations have a training budget and can afford to pay for training. With Erich, Willie and other Spirit Lake employees living on the reservations where training is offered, it is certainly more affordable than flying in a consultant from Washington, or flying a group of employees to San Diego. (Whether the employees would rather be flown to San Diego, that's a whole different story.)

Here is a short example from the beginning the section, "Your Family"

"Several years ago, I was an "Even Start" Director.  The Even Start Program helps families in the following areas: early childhood education, adult literacy, parenting education, and interactive parent and child literacy activities.  As the director, I was responsible for orientation of families into the program.  I started with the premise that all parents love their children.  Following this premise, I said most parents will not continue to act in a harmful manner if they TRULY understand how their behavior and/or lifestyle is harming their children.  After all, I reasoned, what parent would deliberately harm their child?  For example, if I could show parents the negative impacts sleeping until noon could have on their children, I figured they would change.  Right?  Next, is the orientation I did with Even Start parents:.... "
So ... now you know my goal for the next year, trying to find a way to make our ethics training accessible to as many people as possible.

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