Introduction: Classroom Modifications for Students with Disabilities

All students can learn. As the pages in this section show, changes in the classroom to improve learning for students with disabilities are not necessarily expensive or difficult. We have separated these out by category for your convenience, however, you may find plenty of overlap. A student who has trouble understanding print or visual diagrams due to a learning disability may be helped by the same methods that are found useful by a student with a visual impairment.

As always, we are very interested in your ideas. Please email us to add your own suggestions.

Behavioral/ emotional disorders
Communication/ language disorders
Learning Disabilities
Mental Retardation
Other Health Impairments
Physical Disabilities

Sensory impairment

  • Visual Impairment - includes both students who are partially sighted and those with no vision.
  • Auditory impairments- includes both students who are hearing impaired and those who are deaf.