Spirit Lake Consulting, Inc. - "Making life better"

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Medication administration often causes problems for teachers as they sometimes have to remember to give medication to several different children at various times during the day.  A missed dose may harm the child and will undoubtedly be of great concern to parents.

  • Use an electronic “pill reminder” alarm.  They are very small and relatively cheap. 
  • Administer only prescription medications with written orders from the doctor and the parent’s signature.  This will limit the number of medicines given out.  Don’t give over-the-counter medications to children at the request of the parents.  Insist on permission from the doctor.
  • Ask if the parents will provide the same medication or a similar one that requires two or fewer doses so it can be given at home.  This can be done with many drugs and usually can be arranged over the phone with the doctor/pharmacist. 
  • If a parent works or lives nearby, request that he come to class and administer the medicine.
  • Ask the parents to have the pharmacist provide a small, extra, labeled bottle to use at preschool.  This will eliminate the hassle for parents of picking it up and bringing in the medicine daily and relieve you from having to return it to them at the end of the day.
Post a log sheet near where the medicine is locked and write down each dose of medication you give.  This will help you remember if and when you give it.  Provide a separate sheet for each child.

filing cabinet opening It will be helpful for the staff if each child has an asthma action card on file that tells what to do in the case of an asthma episode. It is also very useful, especially as you are getting to know a child, to have on hand an asthma management plan letting you know, for example, what sorts of things are likely to trigger an asthma attack for a child. Samples of both of these forms can be found in our electronic filing cabinet.
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Spirit Lake Consulting, Inc. -- P.O.Box 663, 314 Circle Dr., Fort Totten, ND 58335 Tel: (701) 351-2175 Fax: (800) 905 -2571
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