Who is Joe?
Santa Monica beach at sunset

From my view of Joe, he is a totally corrupt character who takes personal advantage of every situation he encounters. As a tribal council member he misuses his authority in all areas of administration. When on a board or committee, decisions such as travel, per diem, hiring/firing is not based on what is good for the organization but what is good for him, his family and friends. Want to see the big city lights? Well, if you are a friend of Joe, you are in luck , as the travel budget is always available for vacations at the expense of his program or department.

As a program director, Joe does not hesitate to use the program's resources for his own use. He is quick to befriend relatives of tribal council members, board members, and directors when it will serve his purpose. He may not show up at meetings and events unless there is an item on the agenda from which he stands to benefit or if it offers him an opportunity to abuse someone. For example, a board or committee member who always misses meeting or is always late will show up on time and maliciously attack an employee who made a mistake.