Tribal Business Managers: Positive Ethics
Tribal Business Managers could be argued to have the toughest job on the reservation. How do they show traditional ethics?

1. An ethical business manager will not be intimidated by tribal council members. This takes moral courage, since the tribal council members are their direct supervisors.

2. They will inform a council member of any action requested that is unethical, for example, issuing a check to a relative for 'unused leave' when there is no record of any unused leave. This task requires honesty. They will also ask for documentation that this is a direct order from a council member whenever asked to perform any unethical act.

Why do we say a tribal business manager has the toughest job? Because, when faced with an unethical supervisor, he or she has the choice of violating policies or disobeying a direct order. A tribal business manager can face several moral dilemmas in the average week!