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Spirit Lake Consulting, Inc.

"Making life better!"

DOCUMENTS & FORMS : Our Give-away on the Internet

Below you will find funded grant proposals, a final report, interim report and our latest timesheet. We make these available to new staff and we thought these might be useful to new companies. When I started out writing grants and other reports, it was useful to have models to follow. Many people in small organizations, especially in rural areas, do not have that advantage. You are welcome to use anything you might find helpful. Appropriate credit to Spirit Lake Consulting, Inc. would be appreciated.

Years ago, a former colleague asked, "Why do you give hand-outs at conferences? You shouldn't include bibliography that has all the resources you reviewed. It's stupid to let someone else profit from your work without you getting anything for it."

One reason why, as our president, Dr. Erich Longie, reminds us often, is that being stingy is not a trait admired by the Sioux. Generosity is a traditional value and we believe, if we give away our resources, perhaps you will tell your friends, increasing the traffic to our website and our reputation. That is good business and very smart. Even if you don't tell anyone, we still believe it is better to be generous than stingy.

Final Report on Caring for Our People Training - Phase II -- We know it is not polite to brag, but this project has been a great success. We have developed four workshop modules, a virtual library , demonstrated a significant improvement in the knowledge of staff members who attended this program for training on people with disabilities and chronic illness. (Note: This is a large file to download - about 1.5 MB)
Final Report of Disability Access -- This is an example of the final report for a grant-funded project, submitted to the U.S. Department of Education.
Interim Report on Caring for Our People Training - This is an example of an interim report on a grant-funded project, submitted to the U.S. Department of Education.
Quarterly Progress Report on Disability Access: RUSH - this is a grant to further distribute the results of our research. We have some interesting preliminary findings, particularly on the use of technology on the reservations and on parents' reactions to having a child with a disability.

RUSH, this is a Research Utilization Support and Health grant, awarded to distribute the results of our Disability Access research project farther and wider in Indian country. The third quarter report is now available, with information on the use of the Internet by tribal members, the effectiveness of IEP training and more.


Below are two copies of funded proposals. Both are Small Business Innovation Research grants.

Phase 2 Disability Access - a proposal funded by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research.
Caring for Our People, Phase 2 Proposal -- funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture

Caring for Our People Business Model Presentation
Timesheet - use this for the current pay period
Inventory of Documents in the Virtual Library and Commons Area - (Jessica, please update, thanks)