An Easter Egg is a program function or application that is
undocumented, you have to look for it, like an Easter egg
One of the earliest, and most famous, Easter eggs is the
dog-cow, shown at right.
The dog cow was used to show you which way the
printer was set up to print back when printers were a brand
new pretty neat idea.
The Macintosh would show the picture
like it is above if your printer was set up to print
sideways (landscape) and it would show the critter on its
side if it was to print normally (portrait). People with
obviously too much time on their hands would argue about if
it was a dog or a cow. There was a sequence of keys you
could press and a picture of the dog-cow would show up on
your computer with a word balloon that said "Moof!" This
wasn't documented anywhere, it was just information passed
along from one computer user to another.
All Spirit Lake Consulting products include Easter eggs.
These include photos, PowerPoint presentations,
newsletters, books and whatever else seemed like a cool
idea to hide on a CD-ROM. Two folders full of Easter eggs
can be found on the Disability Access CD-ROM, Caring for
Our People Training CD and the Spirit Lake Consulting
website. Click here for a very brief overview of
what is in the SpiritLakeConsulting folder .